Monday, September 1, 2014


Hi, my name is Desiree Dixon. I’m in my fourth year as an Animation/Illustration major with a concentration in Illustration. For art classes, I’ve taken many drawing, painting, figure drawing, sculpting, animation and 3D modeling classes. I don't have any experience with stop motion animation, so I'm looking forward to trying it in this class. I have a A.S. in Biology so I’ve taken lower division classes in biology, physics, chemistry, and organic chemistry. I’m currently taking Ani 115 (Intermediate Animation) and Ani 117A (Advanced Illustration). When I graduate I’d like to work in the games industry in a position where I might be able to use both my visual development and 3D modeling skills.

This first image is a digital painting of a pine cone from observation from Ani 113B (Intermediate Project).

The second image is the night time version of my final illustration for Ani 113B.

The video clip is my final reel from Ani 51b (Intro to 3D animation).